Create a 32bit DSN for VMware Update Manager

If you are installing a VMware Update Manager database onto an existing 64bit SQL server, you will need to add a 32bit DSN in order for the VMware Update Manager installer to find the database that you wish install to. Firstly create a new empty database for VMware Update Manager using SQL Management Studio:

Adding a new database in SQL Management Studio

Next locate and run odbcad32.exe which can be found c:\Windows\SysWow64, and add a new system DSN on the system tab. Then, choose the relevant driver for your DSN, in my case ‘SQL Server Native Client 10.0’, as shown below.

Choose the relevant SQL Server Driver version for the DSN

Assign a name to the DSN, and then specify the SQL instance that hosts the database:

Assign a name to your new 32bit DSN

Then specify the database that you are creating the DSN for under the ‘Change the default database to:’ section. Finally click next, and finish to complete creating the new DSN:

Specify the database that you are creating the DSN for

Now, when you run the VMware Update Manager installation you should be able to select the appropriate database in the ‘Use an existing supported database’ section and continue with your installation:

Select your 32bit DSN in the VMware Update Manager installation